Finding Typos in Your Law School Application After You Submit
Today’s post comes to us from our friends at Anna Ivey Consulting. Typos. In very important missives. That you’ve already sent to very important people. Argh. Everyone has been there at one time or...
View ArticleLetters of Continued Interest: When, How and Why?
Today’s tips come from Eileen Conner, who helps law school candidates write excellent admissions essays in her work as founder of Pen and Chisel. Waiting to hear back from your target law schools...
View ArticleLogical Reasonings
A) A new law school personal statement gets the jdMission treatment. Great analysis for those of you finalizing your application. jdMission B) Apparently you don’t even need to meet a girl to get her...
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A) An application addendum can help you explain all those skeletons in your closet. Then again, maybe that’s what you get for living in a haunted house. US News and World Report B) Are law schools...
View ArticleAll Your February LSAT Application Options
Today’s post comes to us from our friends at Anna Ivey Consulting. What a glorious week all you February LSAT takers are waking up to. Exhausted, curled up, wrung out? Take heart; you could be in...
View ArticleChoosing a Law School After You’re Accepted
At this point in the year, as you’re practically blowing your nose and wiping your bum with an unmanageable mountain of law school acceptance letters (*fingers crossed*), you enter the hardest part of...
View ArticleLogical Reasonings
A) Don’t lose the reader in the first sentence of your personal statement. jdMission B) A law prof explores changes in the bar exam over the sixty years, and wonders if the Uniformed Bar Exam is doing...
View ArticleLogical Reasonings
A) Why employers should ignore the US News law school rankings. (They won’t, though.) Above the Law B) Your application personal statement will be stronger if you go in-depth on a couple of ideas,...
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A) SHOWDOWN: Above the Law helps one law school applicant decide between a full ride scholarship and a more prestigious law school. B) Double your ATL, double your fun: A Drexel law professor is under...
View ArticleHow to Decide Where to Apply
If you want a J.D. from an ABA-approved institution, there are 204 schools you can apply to. Most of us can’t apply to all 204. And why would you want to? That would be expensive and a huge waste of...
View ArticleLogical Reasonings
A) Above the Law‘s interesting law school decision series is back with a Google employee’s two-school conundrum. B) Use your application addendum to highlight improvements in GPA. U.S. News & World...
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A) Why do law schools make their application instructions so hard to find? Who knows. But make sure you search them out. Ivey Files B) Consider how a law school’s location will affect your future job...
View ArticleFirst Steps in the Law School Application Process
Today’s tips come from Eileen Conner, who helps law students create excellent law school admissions essays in her work as founder of Pen and Chisel. If you’re planning to apply for law school in fall...
View ArticleLogical Reasonings
A) 5 charts that show why you should apply to law school this year. Not as valuable as this chart, but… Bloomberg B) This wait-listed law school applicant is real ballsy… up until he’s very un-ballsy....
View ArticleApplicants with good LSAT scores are way up this year
LSAT administrations and law school applications are up this cycle. Whether they’re motivated by an improved job market or inspired by national politics, more people are looking to go to law school....
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